Wednesday, May 26, 2010

SMASHKIDDz Commrcial :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The assignment was to make a animal out of a combination of 3 different animals of your choice. The process we went through to create our animal we had to go online and find 3 animals of your choice or an animal that best represents you, your personality. What we had to include into our final piece was highlights on our animal and we had to put it in an environment. We used the software program Adobe illustrator its somewhat like Adobe Photoshop but with different tools.

The 3 animals that I choose was a squirrel, a ferret, and a lemur. The parts of the animals that I took was the lemurs really long tail, the ferret body it somewhat has a stance like a squirrel, and the head of a squirrel and I used the squirrels arm. Since my animal looks like a squirrel I choose to put it in a park like environment so I thought that was a perfect choice.

I choose the tail of the lemur because to me it shows how wise they are, I choose the ferret because it really flexible because they have no spine so they can maneuver around the toughest obstacles and I can to, and I choose the head of the squirrel because squirrels think fast and in life you got to think fast. Squirrels are very smart in there environment and there flexible because there tree climbing ability.

I think I did ok on this project. What I like about my animal is that it looks like a squirrel and I like squirrels a lot there my favorite animals. I wouldn’t change nothing on my final piece because to me its how I wanted and wouldn’t want it any other way.

Monday, April 5, 2010










The assignment was to make a animal out of a combination of 3 different animals of your choice. The process we went through to create our animal we had to go online and find 3 animals of your choice or an animal that best represents you, your personality. What we had to include into our final piece was highlights on our animal and we had to put it in an environment. We used the software program Adobe illustrator its somewhat like Adobe Photoshop but with different tools.


The 3 animals that I choose was a squirrel, a ferret, and a lemur. The parts of the animals that I took was the lemurs really long tail, the ferret body it somewhat has a stance like a squirrel, and the head of a squirrel and I used the squirrels arm. Since my animal looks like a squirrel I choose to put it in a park like environment so I thought that was a perfect choice.



I choose the tail of the lemur because to me it shows how wise they are, I choose the ferret because it really flexible because they have no spine so they can maneuver around the toughest obstacles and I can to, and I choose the head of the squirrel because squirrels think fast and in life you got to think fast. Squirrels are very smart in there environment and there flexible because there tree climbing ability.



I think I did ok on this project. What I like about my animal is that it looks like a squirrel and I like squirrels a lot there my favorite animals.  I wouldn’t change nothing on my final piece because to me its how I wanted and wouldn’t want it any other way.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The assignment was to make a silhouette out of the picture we had token from the camera and we got our introduction to Adobe illustrator and in that program we used the pen tool to doodle around to get the hang of it because we was going to be using the pen tool for this project.


How I cropped my body was I took a photo from my waist up the position I was in I was pointing out to nowhere. The text that I used I use just standard normal text nothing special I don’t have a background neither well only on one and that’s because I love yellow.


I don’t think the way I poised for the picture is unique but I took a picture from the waist up and Im just pointing out to nowhere up into space. I just used standard basic text and I didn’t use no background really because it was frustrating me to get use to this program because its new to me.


Looking at the rubric I feel as though I could of done better and that I need o stop being lazy and put more effort into what I do. What I like about my project is that I gave it my all and that I tried. The new tools I learned was to learn hw t use the pen tool it’s a tool to outline pictures like the lasso in Photoshop but this project was fun.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The assignment we had to do was to create a PSA (Public Service Announcement) about anything you want, we were told that we had to have was an idea we wanted on our PSA .We had a choice to do a live document on someone or to take a pictures from off the internet and create a slideshow that is going to get our point across to people.


My issue was safe sex 3 facts that I put into my PSA about safe sex was 750,000 teenagers get pregnant a year, it cost up to $80,000,000 to cure STD’s other than HIV, 82% of teen pregnancies are accidental. The image I used was family guy.



I think that this issue is very important to create a PSA about because everyone has that one person that they love and want to have sexual relations with but it ends up being a disaster the first time because there is no condom no safe sex and someone ends up getting a disease or worse the female gets pregnant so I think issue needs to be pushed more. I’m for safe sex because safe sex is the best sex.




Friday, January 29, 2010

The assignment of this project was to tell a story threw some pictures of you, friends, or family anything of your choose. We had to fill out this paper with a couple of our ideas on what we wanted to do with this movie and get some picture that go with your topic.


My digital story was about me and my friends and how they impact me and shaped me to I am today and I cherish that so that’s why I choose friends. I used pictures of my friends that they have sent to me and a picture of me that I had and the reason why I choose those pictures of my friends because individually you can see there personality threw there body language and you can tell what kind of person they are.


I chose this story because without friends where will everyone be without them its kind of cool how friends can become a second family and there always there for you.


I think in this project I got my point across about what I wanted to talk about so I think I did god in this project. imovie is really easy because i am use to doing this kind of stuff but with another program called Sony Vegas pro 8.0 so imovie is really cool. My experience in Digital media this year is extraordinary im learning new techniques that I never thought I would use but this cass has sharpened up my skills to new levels. 

Friday, November 13, 2009

Composition Covers

We made Book Covers 
and design it ourselves to show what we can do.